

SPICES results had been published in the "Schoolkit" section of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue Website 

European Lifelong Learning Award for Quality in Mobility - SILVER AWARD During the conference "Quality in mobility within the Lifelong Learning Programme" organised under the Slovenian presidency of the EU, in cooperation with the Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training
Programmes – CMEPIUS, Ljubljana (http://www.cmepius.si) and the Republic of Slovenia - Government of the RS Ministry of Education and Sport, Ljubljana (http://www.mss.gov.si/en/), SPICES was nominated for a European Lifelong Learning Award for Quality in Mobility and was honoured with a SILVER AWARD:
The international mobility of individuals as a tool for the achievement of goals of the Lisbon strategy is gaining on importance on the European and national level. When considering mobility, the issue at stake is not only the increase in the quantity of individual mobility, but its quality. Improved quality of mobility
brings increased impact on the individual and for the organization, as well as for the broader environment.
The Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) dedicates the major part of its activities and financial support to transnational mobility. The goal of every participating country is to improve the quality and impact of mobility. To support the European and national processes in this field, a broad discussion at the conference entitled “Quality in Mobility within the Lifelong Learning Programme” has taken place during Slovene presidency to the EU.
The conference has set for its objective to prepare recommendations for the improvement of accessibility of mobility, for enhancement of quality, recognition and impact of staff mobility. The discussion has included the perspectives and practices of the European and national policies as well as organizations and individuals, which participate in international mobility. Special attention has been given to mobility projects of high quality within programme actions. The exhibition of selected European projects, publications of success project stories and the European quality awards ceremony dedicated to the 15 winning projects in five categories of LLP mobility (Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig and Languages) has emonstrated the success and impact of the Lifelong learning programme and at the same time disclosed the
opportunities, which the programme offers. (text from http://www.qim.si/page/2/).


SPICES - best practice for the Grundtvig Programme

In the framework of the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), the project SPICES has been selected as an example of best practice for the Grundtvig programme and proposed for inclusion in a publication of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC).



SPICES results had been published in the "Schoolkit" section of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue Website 

European Lifelong Learning Award for Quality in Mobility - SILVER AWARD During the conference "Quality in mobility within the Lifelong Learning Programme" organised under the Slovenian presidency of the EU, in cooperation with the Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training
Programmes – CMEPIUS, Ljubljana (http://www.cmepius.si) and the Republic of Slovenia - Government of the RS Ministry of Education and Sport, Ljubljana (http://www.mss.gov.si/en/), SPICES was nominated for a European Lifelong Learning Award for Quality in Mobility and was honoured with a SILVER AWARD:
The international mobility of individuals as a tool for the achievement of goals of the Lisbon strategy is gaining on importance on the European and national level. When considering mobility, the issue at stake is not only the increase in the quantity of individual mobility, but its quality. Improved quality of mobility
brings increased impact on the individual and for the organization, as well as for the broader environment.
The Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) dedicates the major part of its activities and financial support to transnational mobility. The goal of every participating country is to improve the quality and impact of mobility. To support the European and national processes in this field, a broad discussion at the conference entitled “Quality in Mobility within the Lifelong Learning Programme” has taken place during Slovene presidency to the EU.
The conference has set for its objective to prepare recommendations for the improvement of accessibility of mobility, for enhancement of quality, recognition and impact of staff mobility. The discussion has included the perspectives and practices of the European and national policies as well as organizations and individuals, which participate in international mobility. Special attention has been given to mobility projects of high quality within programme actions. The exhibition of selected European projects, publications of success project stories and the European quality awards ceremony dedicated to the 15 winning projects in five categories of LLP mobility (Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig and Languages) has emonstrated the success and impact of the Lifelong learning programme and at the same time disclosed the
opportunities, which the programme offers. (text from http://www.qim.si/page/2/).


SPICES - best practice for the Grundtvig Programme

In the framework of the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), the project SPICES has been selected as an example of best practice for the Grundtvig programme and proposed for inclusion in a publication of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC).



SPICES results had been published in the "Schoolkit" section of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue Website 

European Lifelong Learning Award for Quality in Mobility - SILVER AWARD During the conference "Quality in mobility within the Lifelong Learning Programme" organised under the Slovenian presidency of the EU, in cooperation with the Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training
Programmes – CMEPIUS, Ljubljana (http://www.cmepius.si) and the Republic of Slovenia - Government of the RS Ministry of Education and Sport, Ljubljana (http://www.mss.gov.si/en/), SPICES was nominated for a European Lifelong Learning Award for Quality in Mobility and was honoured with a SILVER AWARD:
The international mobility of individuals as a tool for the achievement of goals of the Lisbon strategy is gaining on importance on the European and national level. When considering mobility, the issue at stake is not only the increase in the quantity of individual mobility, but its quality. Improved quality of mobility
brings increased impact on the individual and for the organization, as well as for the broader environment.
The Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) dedicates the major part of its activities and financial support to transnational mobility. The goal of every participating country is to improve the quality and impact of mobility. To support the European and national processes in this field, a broad discussion at the conference entitled “Quality in Mobility within the Lifelong Learning Programme” has taken place during Slovene presidency to the EU.
The conference has set for its objective to prepare recommendations for the improvement of accessibility of mobility, for enhancement of quality, recognition and impact of staff mobility. The discussion has included the perspectives and practices of the European and national policies as well as organizations and individuals, which participate in international mobility. Special attention has been given to mobility projects of high quality within programme actions. The exhibition of selected European projects, publications of success project stories and the European quality awards ceremony dedicated to the 15 winning projects in five categories of LLP mobility (Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig and Languages) has emonstrated the success and impact of the Lifelong learning programme and at the same time disclosed the
opportunities, which the programme offers. (text from http://www.qim.si/page/2/).


SPICES - best practice for the Grundtvig Programme

In the framework of the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), the project SPICES has been selected as an example of best practice for the Grundtvig programme and proposed for inclusion in a publication of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC).