
Workshops and training courses


  • Perugia/Italy, January-April 2019
    Accessibilità museale e fruibilità dell’opera d’arte (Museum accessibility and usability of artworks) MUSAE (Musei Uso Sociale e Accessibilità come contrasto all’Emarginazione / Museums: Social use and Accessibility as a contrast to Marginalisation) training courses at the Centro Formazione Asl Umbria 1 (Training Centre of the Local Health Organisation Umbria 1):
    1. Disability, Culture, Society, and Communication (28/01-14/02/2019)
    2. Deafness and museum accessibility (21-28/02/2019)
    3. Access to the culture of people with visual impairments (04-16/03/2019)
    4. Dementia and usability of artworks (19/03-02/04/2019)

  • Perugia/Italy, 18/01/2018; 12/02/2018
    My Informal Learning Experience
    MILE pilot workshop for the cultural association FIDEM – Festival delle Idee Euro-Mediterranee
  • Perugia/Italy, 31/01/2018; 06/02/2018
    My Informal Learning Experience
    1 MILE pilot workshop for the Cultural Islamic Centre of Perugia

  • Perugia/Italy, 01, 19/12/2017
    My Informal Learning Experience
    MILE pilot workshop for the cultural association FIDEM – Festival delle Idee Euro-Mediterranee
  • Deruta/Italy, 30/11/2017
    My Informal Learning Experience
    1 MILE pilot workshop at the House of Culture (Casa della Cultura) for women from Arabic countries
  • Perugia/Italy, 21, 28/11/2017
    My Informal Learning Experience

    1MILE pilot workshop at the House of Culture (Casa della Cultura) for women from Arabic countries
  • Marsciano/Italy, 04, 11, 18/10/2017; 16/11/2017
    My Informal Learning Experience
    4 MILE pilot workshop for refugees and asylum seekers of the city of Marsciano

  • Perugia/Italy, 12-13/09/2016
    RADAR International workshop
  • Perugia/Italy, 6, 20, 27/05/2016 and 5, 19, 27/05/2016
    2 RADAR pilot workshops

  • Perugia/Italy, 16-23/05/2014
    Communication between Adults-in-Mobility ('migrants') and Civil Servants:
    an Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Perspective Grundtvig Workshop (2013-1-IT2-GRU13-52160)

  • Perugia/Italy, 14-20/04/2013
    Communication between Adults-in-Mobility ('migrants') and Civil Servants:
    an Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Perspective Grundtvig In-Service Training course (IT-2012-788-002 - Session 2)

  • Yozgat/Turkey, 19-20/09/2012
    BRIDGE-IT International Training Event 2012, Final Conference & Best Practice Exhibition
  • Perugia, Italy - 2-9/09/2012
    ARTERY workshop: Art-Education-Therapy.
    Social Skills for Vulnerable Groups - artistic and interactive methods Grundtvig In-Service Training course (IT-2012-796-001)
  • Vienna/Austria, 9-15/07/2012
    Communication between Adults-in-Mobility ('migrants') and Civil Servants: an Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Perspective
    Results from the BRIDGE-IT project Grundtvig In-Service Training course (IT-2012-788-002 - Session 1)
  • Dresden/Germany, 21-22/04/2012
    Pilot course of the business_mail project Virtual Learning Environment
  • Maastricht/ Netherlands, 9-13/02/2012
    Communication between Adults-in-Mobility ('migrants') and Civil Servants:
    an Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Perspective, Pilot course of the BRIDGE-IT project Virtual Learning Environment

  • Perugia/Italy, January-November 2011
    ARTERY workshops for people in mobility/migrants on Intercultural Communication (basics) 17 workshops for Consulta Comunale per l’Immigrazione for Associazione “InformaStranieri” and 25 workshops for Centro Prima Accoglienza of Cooperativa Perusia.

  • Malta, 25-27/06/2009
    Workshop on communication intercultural at 1st international Forum on Learning in Malta organized by the LML team and L-Università ta’ Malta.
    Koffi M. DOSSOU (Key & Key Communications) and Gabriella B. KLEIN (Università degli Studi of Perugia) led a workshop for teachers and school administrators on the use of verbal and visual communication within institutions, based on SPICES resources.
  • Maastricht/Netherlands, 05-06/03/2009
    SPICES and e-SPICES are invited by Prof. Hilde van Schaeren to:
    1) A SPICES workshop on non-verbal communication is held by Koffi M. DOSSOU (Key& Key Communications) for students of the Faculty of Faciliteits Management (Heerlen).
    2) SPICES and current e-SPICES are presented at the Faculty of Social Work (Sittard) by Koffi M. DOSSOU (Key & Key Communications) and Gabriella B. KLEIN (Università degli Studi of Perugia) to students, colleagues, and stakeholders from the local administrations within the EMOL network.
    3) They attend a meeting at the Raadszaal Municipality of Maastricht with Mr J. Costongs about hidden barriers for integration.

  • Malta, 21-28/09/2008
    The University of Malta has been organizing a SPICES course. During the one-week course, materials that were developed throughout the SPICES course were presented to participants. Aim of the training provided during the course was to target adults involved in intercultural encounters and to enable them to understand better the characteristics of these encounters while presenting suggestions in order to overcome communication problems. The course was open both for local and for foreign participants.
    Grundtvig In-Service Training course (MT-2008-376-001)

  • Perugia/Italy, 13-20/10/2007
    Università degli Studi and Key & Key Communications (Perugia/Italy) have organized a SPICES Training Course held at the School for Public Administration Villa Umbra in Pila (Perugia). The event was also supported by the Local Councils of Perugia and Corciano.
    Grundtvig In-Service Training course (IT-2007-356-001)
  • Perugia/Italy, 30/06-07/07/2007
    Università degli Studi and Key & Key Communications (Perugia/Italy) have organized a SPICES Training Course held at the School for Public Administration Villa Umbra in Pila (Perugia). The event was also supported by the Local Councils of Perugia and Corciano.
    Grundtvig In-Service Training course (IT-2007-256-002)
  • Sofia/Bulgaria, 31/05-07/06/2007
    ACEK / ASEK (ASSOCIATION FOR SPECIALIST COMMUNICATION) in collaboration with Università degli Studi and Key & Key Communications (Perugia/Italy) have organized a SPICES Training Course held in Sofia.
    Grundtvig In-Service Training course (BG-2007-003-001)
  • Perugia/Italy, 06-13/02/2007
    Università degli Studi and Key & Key Communications (Perugia/Italy) have organized the SPICES Experimental Course held at the School for Public Administration Villa Umbra in Pila (Perugia). The event has been supported by the Local Councils of Perugia and Corciano.

  • Perugia/Italy, 15-16/01/2007, 08-09/11/2006, 21/10/2006, 25/09/2006, 12/09/2006
    7 SPICES pilot workshops for migrants (adults-in-mobility) and civil servants (adults-in-contact-with-mobility) in collaboration with Università degli studi di Perugia in the framework of the SPICES project “Social Promotion of Intercultural Expertise and Skills” for the Municipalities of Perugia and Corciano.